Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Surgery update

After they wheeled Christine away from me at about 7:45, I went back to the condo to walk the dog and change into some riding gear. I ended up parking the car in the hospital lot and just riding from there. The first mile or so of my ride was on a road, then it changed to a dirt forest service road. After a few miles, I got to the single track. It was a pretty fun....

More on that later. The doctor just came in and gave me some pictures of the surgery and said everything went well. She's waking up right now and he'll come get me soon and let me in. There was a pretty good tear that he had to repair and lots of inflammation. There was a possibility that he'd have to do microfractures on her bone, but he didn't need to. That means only a couple weeks on crutches and I know she'll be really happy about that.

More updates later...


  1. That's great news. Hope both of you can enjoy more of the mountains as she gets her strength back. Speedy recovery to get her back to hiking, biking, climbing, swimming, and dancing!

  2. WAHHOO!!! That rocks! I guess I won't have to wait as long to send her the pics then...
