Friday, March 2, 2007

French confusion

I need some help from anyone who thinks they know France.

Showers without curtains. I can't figure this out. The shower curtain (or door) makes a lot of sense to me, but for some reason they don't use them in France. At the very least it seems like a good idea to keep the bathroom floor from becoming a slippery death rink. I feel like traveling around France with shower curtains and rods and just leaving them in various hotel room bathrooms.

TV remote controls: Why doesn't the power button actually turn the TV on? I have to push one of the channel buttons to turn the TV on. In the last hotel we stayed in, the remote's power button was even labeled "On", but it was only capable of turning the TV off.

Eventually I'll post a real update with pictures, but it may have to wait until I get back.

1 comment:

  1. I agree
    I couldn't agree with you more about shower curtains. I have thought about traveling with a shower curtain. And then there is the design of their toilets - no two ever seem to work the same way. Maybe we could loan them some plumbers.
    But then there is your mother's opinion - "If you want things just like they are in America, then stay in America". And it is the differences that make travel so interesting and teaches us that others societies are different.
