Friday, December 15, 2006

5 annoying email habits

I'm stealing this from another blog posting:

Five email tics I’d love for you to lose

For the love of God, people; can we get the word out on these?
1. The liberal use of the “VERY HIGH PRIORITY!!!” flag
2. The 18-line sig about all the Bad Things that will happen to me if I ever reveal the contents of your privileged, confidential (and unencrypted) message
3. The unrequested press release (and the serial ignoring of the “Unsubscribe” I sent you for the previous seven press releases)
4. The graphical background, font and table tags, and remaining 14k of HTML cruft associated with every. single. message. you’ve ever sent
5. The including of my — plus 98 other strangers’ — personal email addresses in the “To:” line of your friendly reminder about Tyler’s birthday party

Number 2 is just funny. I wish more people would listen to numbers 4 and 5. I hate HTML email. In fact, I have told Outlook not to convert HTML email to plain text by default. There are times when sending a rich text or HTML formatted email has merits, but more often than not it's a huge waste.


  1. I'm with you on the non-HTML emails. I got so tired of the HUGE BRIGHT BLUE FONTS and animated icons that I banished them from my queendom.

  2. You need to read you're not already. Same guy as did the above list.
