Thursday, March 17, 2005

My prison

For reasons that I have yet to understand, there's a BIG St. Patty's day parade and festival in Savannah. The site I'm working at is closed for the "holiday" so we were originally told that we wouldn't be able to come in and work. The person we're dealing with, however, made a deal with us: We could work today (a shortened schedule of 10AM - 6PM instead of the usual 8AM - 7PM) as long as we could be out by Friday at noon. So here we are today, and you can see how much I'm working based on my journal. (In all fairness, I am getting a lot of work done, but it's the kind of work where I have to start a bunch of tests and wait for a bit, so I have a few minutes here and there that are good for nothing but this type of stuff.)

This place is locked down like a prison. Seriously. Security had to come over from another site (the customer's stuff is spread out throughout town) to unlock the doors. Then they left and LOCKED THE DOORS. To unlock the door (from the inside or the outside) you need a key. I haven't explored yet to see where the fire exit is, but this really doesn't seem like the smartest way to secure a building. I understand there are a lot of computers in here, but this is pretty stupid. We had another person coming by to deliver parts to us, and we had to give him so lunch orders so he could bring us some food before security came to let him in. I'm pretty sure I could throw a chair through the front glass door if I needed to. (And I kind of hope I do.)


  1. I need to post a picture of this place. I swear there are no windows, and it's quite depressing.

  2. Do you think the chairs are strong enough? I think you should test it to make sure.

  3. Hey you two....I *loved* the Little America card!!!
