Thursday, February 17, 2005

Lance, part VII

In case anyone forgot to read their daily cycling news outlets, Lance has announced that he is going to ride in the Tour de France again this year.

I must say I'm surprised and slightly disappointed.  I was looking forward to watching him come to from earlier in the season to win some of the spring races.  I know he's still going to race them, but I find it hard to believe that he'll be doing little more than training in those races.  I also feel like he's not as gung ho on The Tour as the previous years.  But he's a pretty amazing athlete, so maybe I'll be surprised.  I'll sure be rooting for him.


  1. He was contractually obligated to do another Tour, but it didn't have to be this year.

  2. I was surprised that you didn't mention this in your last post! I was actually just about to post a snooty little comment about that when you put up this one. :)
    I was hoping Lance wouldn't go this year so we could follow him around France on next year's tour.
