My Anti-Atkins party is now "sponsored". The fine people at are sending me 2 cool carb-luvin' shirts to give away! (Not necesarilly the ones pictured above.) Any ideas for how I should decide who gets the shirts? I'm open to ideas, the stranger the better. Most carbalicious snack? Most creative food and/or presentation? Person who brings me the best dance CD to play during the party? Best day-after-party-cleaner-upper?
Me, me, me!!
ReplyDeleteNice - I think you should decide by who fills it out the most. I mean best.
ReplyDeleteYeah, but I'd clearly win and I already have a shirt. :P
ReplyDeleteDoor Prize!!
ReplyDeleteNo fair cheating, though, and stuffing your bra with bread.
ReplyDeleteThen again, it'd be funny, seeing people stop at the door, reach into their shirts, and pull our a few shepherd's loafs.
Um Ryan you are hot and buff and all...but Kat and I have bigger racks. No question about it.
ReplyDeleteI thought you told me size didn't matter.
ReplyDeleteTrade ya a bottle of low-carb wine for a high-carb tshirt?! :D
ReplyDeleteI was just trying to get in your pants.