I originally ordered it from Buy.com. After 5 days of them not shipping it, I decided they really didn't want my business and I "canceled" my order. I say "cancel" because they didn't even get that right. The correctly canceled part of my order, but not the whole thing, and I got an email on Friday saying they've shipped my order. Gee, thanks! Only 9 days after I placed my order. Wow, you guys are great.
After I ditched Buy.com I ordered the same thing from HarmonyComputers.com. I was pretty anxious at this point, so I even paid extra to make sure it would be here before the weekend. Apparently when their website says "All Air orders placed after 3:00 PM (EST) will be shipped the following business day" that's more of a guidance than a rule. When I saw that it hadn't shipped I gave them a call and bitched enough to get them to ship it and upgrade the shipping so it would still get here when I wanted it. So Friday it shows up and I'm all excited to play with it. Since electronics rarely come with a fully charged battery, the first thing I tried to do was plug it in. That's sort of a problem when the send you a charger that was meant for the UK. I eventually found a converter that allowed me to convert UK to US plugs, but what an unnecessary pain.
I called Archos yesterday and they're sending me a new charger. Even better, I got the tracking information this morning and it appears that it was sent out yesterday afternoon. Now, that's some sweet service. Kudos to Archos. My erroneously shipped player from Buy.com is scheduled to arrive today. I think I'll drive over it with my car and send it back.
But enough of that saga.... It's nice and small, but it still holds 20 gigs of MP3s. So far I like it, but I'm still working out some kinks with my music library. I took it on a bike ride last weekend and it was nice to listen to NPR until I got into the mountains and then turn on some tunes. I just need to find a little better way to carry it on my bike. Also, new headphones are in order, because those dang ear-bud things never stay in my ear. I don't know who's ear they're made for, but they're not mine.
Wow, what a pain in the ass. Remind me never to use buy.com....
ReplyDeleteI forgot to mention: The one from Buy.com (that erroneously got shipped) STILL hasn't arrived, but the one I ordered later is on my desk.