Thursday, April 27, 2006

No more yard work

Sort of spur-of-the-moment last weekend I decided to mow the lawn for the first time this season. With such a small yard it's a pretty quick process so I didn't give much thought to the fact that I had recently removed my shirt (it was covered in garage dirt and grime). (Settle down, I'm know I'm like Fabio and all but try to contain your excitement over my shirtless body glistening with perspiration.) I must have been feeling really spunky, because I also decided that I would clean up all the edging and pull up the grass that had snuck it's way into the stones. I ended up crawling around the entire circumference of the yard on my hands and knees.

Fast forward to a few hours later: I'm standing in the kitchen and I say "Gee, my back feels kind of like leather." Sure enough, I was burnt worse than toast at a crappy diner. I figure I get one "Hey stupid, don't forget to wear sunblock" moment every year, and this one's a doozie. It doesn't hurt much anymore, but now I feel like snake shedding its skin. Nasty.

The important lesson to be learned here is: Don't do yard work.

1 comment:

  1. Whew. I'm glad the message is NOT: Men should keep their shirts on.
    You had me worried.
    I am allowed one "by the way you will burn your scalp along the part in your hair if you don't wear something covering it while climbing all day in the baking sun" moment per summer.
