Wednesday, October 6, 2004

Bling Bling

If you thought John Dyer was big pimpin' before, check out his new spinner wheels:


Tom F. and I both agreed that John's newly painted Civic need a little bling in the wheel department, so I went to the auto store and purchased some sweet spinning wheel covers.  As an auto enthusiast, and anti-rice activist, it's a little embarrassing to go into an auto store and ask for these things.  I felt like I should have worn a disguise or something.  Christine and I snuck over to the Dyers after the Merc and installed the spinners under the cover of darkness.

John called me this morning, and I couldn't keep myself from laughing when I picked up the phone.  He apparently enjoyed them, because he said he almost wet himself when he saw them.  Mission accomplished.


  1. Nice, I would have loved to see his face!

  2. Too, too funny. Installed under the cover of darkness... brilliant.
    What would you recommend in the bling department for a Saturn? I mean, aside from "buy a Civic."

  3. I saw those today as I was riding home from work. I couldn't believe it. I rode up next to their car to see if it was really them. I can't tell if the color is more outrageous than the hub caps. Granted, I was wearing ratty spandex, so I shouldn't be the fashion gendarme (don't you just love the thesaurus?)
    BTW: Look at his bling!
