It started (lately) with the suspension and subsequent firing of Don Imus for jokingly snarking that the players on a women's basketball team were "nappy headed hoes". Now, this isn't something you'd go ahead a say a normal situation, but on a comedy show this type of comment shouldn't be any surprise. (Unless, of course, you’re Al Sharpton and you need to get your face in the news again. I don’t want to get started on how funny it is that people look at him as a leader.) I find it frustrating that CBS radio paid Imus to do an off-the-cuff comedy show, and then doesn't even have the balls to stand up for him against a hypocritical, vocal minority. Since then, other radio talk show hosts have befallen the same fate from spineless management that won’t stand up for the talent that they hire.
A couple years ago I subscribed to XM Satellite radio because they hired a radio duo from New York that I used to listen to before they got fired for a dumb radio stunt. Opie and Anthony are horrible people. Their show is at times racist, offensive, and disgusting. And it makes me laugh; it's my own guilty pleasure. XM was a great platform from them because they were free from the increasingly oppressive FCC rules and oversensitive program directors.
A couple weeks ago Opie and Anthony had a homeless guy on their radio show (there's a story behind that, but it's not worth getting into). While on the show, the homeless guy said some offensive things about having sex with Laura Bush and Condoleeza Rice. The following day at the start of their show, the radio hosts read an apology for comments made on their show.
Last week, the duo was suspended from the XM satellite radio show for 30 days. This is shocking on a number of levels for me. For one thing,
they didn't say anything. Ultimately, they're responsible for what's broadcast on their show, but this was tame compared to any number of other things that are said on their show on a daily basis. This kind of censorship was exactly what fans of the show were hoping would be missing on XM. It's why a lot of us put up the money for XM (and even used to pay extra for their show when it was on a "premium" channel).
Did I miss something about the freedom of speech that we enjoy in this country? Do we also have the right to not be offended? I thought sticks and stones could break my bones, but words wouldn’t hurt me. I've got an idea: If you find a show offensive, how about you turn the channel and not listen?
My 2 XM accounts have been cancelled for at least the next month and a lot of other fans are doing the same. XM is offering people 30/60/90 day credits so that they'll keep their subscriptions active. (XM's yearly investor's meeting is coming up and they'd rather not have thousands of lost subscriptions to explain.)