Tuesday, April 28, 2009

F You, Penguin

I have to thank my brother for sending me to this gem of a site:
F*ck You, Penguin.

Makes me laugh every time. From today's post about Stingrays:
I know you think you are going to get me to come over there and give you a big hug, Stingray. And, yeah, I am pretty impressed with your winning smile, I'm not going to lie. But you have "sting" right there in your name. I mean, Manta Ray, no problem, let's hug like crazy.


  1. And on a similar note, there's F Yeah Cilantro
    Not quite as good, but I like the concept.

  2. LMAO - "You know, Peacock, you are basically a flasher that walks around showing off your stuff to the entire world...And yeah, I looked. I'm comfortable with my sexuality, so I can admire a peacock's feathers. THAT DOESN'T MEAN I WANT THEM IN MY FACE ALL DAY, PEACOCK. So either learn to control yourself, or expect to have a sexual harassment suit on your hands. "
