Sunday, February 10, 2008


My favorite burrito place (Big City Burrito) sells three sizes of burritos: regular, super, and gutbuster. For comparison, here is a regular and a gutbuster side by side:

(The hand in the picture is Jonathan's, and at 6'9", he's got a pretty large hand.)

It's a monstrous thing that is made by putting two super shells together. I didn't think I'd ever see somebody eat one, but Petro stuffed one down after a bike ride when he was here for my wedding. He then proceeded to lay in bed and moan for hours. On Friday I got to witness my second gutbuster eating when Jonathan devoured one. When you're 6'9", it just doesn't look as impressive though. He didn't even make it look challenging. It was more like just any other meal for him.


  1. Big City Burritto your favorite?
    That's gross! No wonder HP fired you...
    Find any toothpicks in there?

  2. Re: Big City Burritto your favorite?
    You probably pissed off the burrito makers. It's not my fault you're intolerable.
