Wednesday, January 26, 2005

I should have taken another water bottle

We've been having some unbelievably nice weather here, so I decided to go for a bike ride at lunch yesterday and do a fitness test (to see if my training is worth anything). It was so nice that I didn't need my tights, thermal jersey, jacket, or fleece gloves!
About 10 minutes into my ride I was approaching an intersection at about the same time as a dump truck coming the opposite direction. He was turning left and decided that he just couldn't wait the extra 3 seconds it would take for me to continue going straight and pass him, so he went ahead and cut me off big time. For the second time in 2 weeks I had to jam on my brakes to avoid someone.
I don't know what it is about being on my bike with cars whipping around me all the time, but it's given me a short fuse. Since this a-hole had nearly run me over I felt it was my duty to shout at him and give him the finger, and the response I got from him was "go f yourself" nod. I fumed for a couple seconds and decided that he was an ass and needed to be dealt with, so I turned around and chased him down the street. I jawed at him through his open window for a few seconds before I decided to grab the nearest projectile, which happened to be my water bottle. I usually carry 2 water bottles, but for the sake of weight during the fitness test I was about to do, I ditched one of them before I left. That sucked, because I would have loved nothing more than to hurl a full water bottle at this guy. Instead, I had to settle for giving him a nice face full of water. That could be the most gratifying thing ever. It looked like he thought about stopping, but for some reason changed his mind. I certainly wasn't going anywhere.
After that little bit of "cross training" I went on to do my ride, and had some good results. Although my average heart rate was nearly identical to the last time I did this test, my average speed and total time dropped significantly.


  1. Next time after you hurl the water bottle at him, get his truck number and complain to the company. A big fat report in his file will help him drive a little more nicely. ;)

  2. By the time that thought crossed my mind it was too late. Although, when I was out riding today I think I found the place where the truck came from. I may have to do some more investigation.
