Thursday, November 11, 2004


For those not in the know, I have a girlfriend, Christine. Here are some pictures:

My phone should be ringing any moment now.


  1. That sure is a sexy photo of you as well, there Ryan. ;)

  2. Livie and I were wondering where you were hiding yourself in recent days. Though I am unhappy to not see you or hear from you as often, ahem, I am of course very happy for you!

  3. I like her shoes. Those are on my "to buy very soon" list. She must be verry verry hawt.

  4. Stupid boys getting stupid (ok, we love her but...) girlfriends and dropping out of sight.

  5. Christine is very very hot. And very very smart. What the hell is she doing dating *you*? (Joking, you know I luv you. :D )
    Tell her hi from me! When are y'all coming back to the big city? (Meaning Denver.

  6. You should really get into professional photography. You have the lighting and framing down just pat.
    I only wish I could take pictures like that.
